Making Sure My Kids Are On Track

Making Sure My Kids Are On Track

How To Stimulate Learning In Your Preschool Aged Child

Jackson Henry

Does it seem like just yesterday that you were waking up in the middle of the night to quiet a fussy infant? Now the years have gone by and your little one is probably challenging you in many different ways. One of the things you are more than likely thinking about is your child's learning. Here are some ideas that might inspire you to make that part of his or her life fun and stimulating.

One-on-one time spent with your child in activities you do together isn't just fun, it's extremely important in boosting his or her brain power.

Reading Time - It's probably not at all surprising that reading is one of the most valuable things you can do with your child. Even as babies they love to be held close to a parent's chest while listening to poetry and stories being read in a soothing voice. Reading builds vocabulary and increases language skills, too. Consider choosing books that tell a story or that feature letters and words that teach the alphabet. Don't be surprised when your preschooler chooses the same books over and over again.

Play Time At Home - The great thing about a child's play is that you don't even have to spend a lot of money on learning toys. There are things right in your home that will entertain and teach at the same time.

  • When you're rolling out dough for cookies or pie, think about giving your little one a chunk of dough to play with. However, take things up a notch by hiding things inside the dough so your child's fingers can seek for them. Some things you can hide are beans, a thimble or a small toy. 
  • As you fold your laundry, think about giving your little one socks to help you match. Another idea is to let your child fold wash cloths or dish towels.
  • Your child will love to help clean. Dusting table and chair legs with a bright-colored cloth will turn into an adventure! Consider taping little surprises under furniture for your child to find along the way.

Consider Child Care - While the security and familiarity that is found the home is very important, introducing your child to learning away from home is also important. Even if you don't work outside the home, consider giving your child experiences with other adults and with friends in a semi-structured child care environment. 

  • While in a daycare environment, your child will learn about taking turns and sharing toys with other children.
  • Educational toys, crafts, and music will be just a few of the activities in which your child will participate.
  • Another great advantage of going to a day care facility is that your child will interact with other trusted adults. 

If you do decide to send your child to daycare, consider starting with only a couple of days out of the week. As he or she becomes more at ease away from you, think about adding more days. If you're looking for a childcare facility near you, visit The Cottage School.


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Making Sure My Kids Are On Track

When was the last time you really thought about your kid's education? If you are like I was a few years ago, you might assume that your tots will learn everything they need to know once they start elementary school. However, this is a common misconception. When my wife started working as a school teacher, it became immediately clear to me that kids weren't as educated as their parents thought. We started thinking about it, and we decided to start taking our kid's education head on. We focused on math and science, and soon our child started to pick up the material. My blog is about incorporating education into your daily life, so that you can keep your kids on track.